Looking for an upgrade? Choosing your PC parts is made easier with PCPartRank.com. Our statistics provide a reliable benchmark score based on user benchmark results making it easier for you to decide on the PC part you want, whether you are looking for a budget build or a no-limits monster PC.

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Our Recommendation

We also recommend second hand parts for budget builds because they can significantly alter the price of your build and have little negative affect. Such as buying a used CPU, if it's not got any major damages the CPU should run as normal.


This website is a guidance to help you decide on PC parts. Generally, all PC parts will probably perform slightly differently. (Your personal GTX 1080 may not get the exact same benchmark score: either because of different environments like temperature, or due to other factors.) That being said, most of the time, the margin of error between one GTX 1080 and another will be minimal, and so we are still confident in our benchmarks and rankings.


Click on a part to view specs and benchmark results.
There may not be detailed information for each CPU.
Rank Brand Model Benchmark Score
1.IntelCore i9 13900KF95.939
2.IntelCore i9 13900K95.613
3.AmdRyzen 9 7950X92.705
4.AmdRyzen 9 7900X83.093
5.IntelCore i7 13700K81.64
6.IntelCore i7 13700KF81.56
7.IntelCore i9 12900KS77.676
8.IntelCore i9 12900K73.507
9.IntelCore i9 12900KF72.402
10.AmdRyzen 7 7700X70.932

Click here for larger table and to see our methodology on the ranking.


Click on a part to view specs and benchmark results.
There may not be detailed information for each GPU.
Rank Brand Model Benchmark Score
1.NvidiaGeForce RTX 409094.56
2.NvidiaGeForce RTX 4080 SUPER76.83
3.NvidiaGeForce RTX 408075.76
4.AmdRadeon RX 7900 XTX70.46
5.NvidiaGeForce RTX 4070 Ti SUPER68.27
6.NvidiaGeForce RTX 4070 Ti65.10
7.AmdRadeon RX 7900 XT63.27
8.NvidiaGeForce RTX 3090 Ti62.83
9.NvidiaGeForce RTX 4070 SUPER61.00
10.AmdRadeon RX 6950 XT57.60

Click here for larger table and to see our methodology on the ranking.